Category Archives: Business Management

Compensation for damages resulting from the measures adopted by the Spanish Government to deal with the COVID-19 crisis? Key points to make your claim viable.

There is no doubt that the measures taken by the Spanish Government to manage the health crisis caused by COVID-19 have involved serious economic losses to many companies. Just think of all those companies that have been prevented from opening to the public during the state of alarm. Such is the case of retailers (except […]

Unlocking BPA Equities to Credit Suisse

The equity securities deposited by the Banca Privada de Andorra (BPA) in the Credit Suisse entity, which were blocked due to the intervention of the entity in 2015, may be repatriated to the Principality shortly. This is the conclusion reached by the Helvetic Federal Court, the last Swiss judicial instance, which, by means of a […]

Andorra: Reorder a Personal, Corporate or Societal Heritage at Zero Cost

With Andorran tax regulations, there was a subject that had been postponed: what happened if you wanted to reorganize an estate? Then it happened that there being no special regulation, applied general taxation. And this supposed to be able to pay for all the taxes in force: the corporation tax, the income tax of individuals, […]

Business Opportunities and Business-Friendly Legal & Economic Reforms in India

BREAKFAST ROUNDTABLE MEETING  4th July 2018  09:00 – 11:30 A.M.  Av. Diagonal, 682, Barcelona 09:00 – 09:30 REGISTRATION 09:30 – 09:45 MR CARLOS MANUBENS                       Managing Director, Manubens Abogados                       Welcome address 09:45 – 10:15 MR SARAVANAN BALASUBRAMANIAN      […]