
In recent years, the dramatic growth in sales and services via the internet has considerably increased the need for legal advice on a complex matter involving many different aspects that require extensive technical knowledge to resolve the difficulties faced by the parties involved.

Law and the internet

Legal advice on the provision of information society services and electronic commerce. Adapting all kinds of websites to comply with Spain’s Information Society Services and e-Commerce Act (LSSI-CE).

Electronic contracts

Implementation of legal procedures for remote selling, means of payment and non-repudiation. Drafting of general terms and conditions and review of website clauses.

Data Protection

Legal advice required to comply with the provisions and obligations established by European and national regulations. Clients benefit from comprehensive, thorough advice on all aspects related to protecting and avoiding the fraudulent use of data.


Analysis of the cookies generated by a specific website, differentiating between first and third-party cookies. After this analysis, drafting the corresponding legal notices.

Consumers and users

Verification of compliance with consumer regulations: correct product labelling, removal of unfair terms, preparation of return protocols, etc.

Defence in the case of disciplinary proceedings

Legal assistance in disciplinary proceedings brought either by the Spanish Secretary of State for the Information Society and Digital Agenda (SESIAD) or by the regional authorities.


Training on “Management and Direction of Street Markets”

ber, Eva Pich, Partner responsible of the Public Law Area, and Carlos Fábrega, lawyer specialised [...]

Unlocking BPA Equities to Credit Suisse

The equity securities deposited by the Banca Privada de Andorra (BPA) in the Credit Suisse [...]

MANUBENS will once again be hosting a Breakfast event during Mapic2018 at Hotel Majestic.

This gathering will bring together experts from all sectors of the retail market from major [...]

Manubens at Mapic 2018

For the 6th consecutive year, Manubens Lawyers once again will be attending MAPIC in Cannes, [...]

Andorra: Reorder a Personal, Corporate or Societal Heritage at Zero Cost

With Andorran tax regulations, there was a subject that had been postponed: what happened if [...]

Business Opportunities and Business-Friendly Legal & Economic Reforms in India

BREAKFAST ROUNDTABLE MEETING  4th July 2018  09:00 – 11:30 A.M.  Av. Diagonal, 682, Barcelona 09:00 [...]

Is It Lawful to Sell a Product Below Its Cost?

Selling below cost could be defined as a commercial practice whereby a company sells products at [...]

The spanish central economic-administrative court (TEAC) now admits the reduction of 60%

Three recent Decisions by the Central Economic-Administrative Court (TEAC) have come to unify the criteria [...]

After mortgage floor clauses and mortgage expenses … now comes the increase in the value of urban land

As we all know, the constitutionality of the Tax on the Increase of the Value [...]

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